Armando Broja could be first Chelsea star to leave this summer with Champions League giants in advanced transfer talks

ARMANDO BROJA could be the first Chelsea star through the exit door this summer - with Champions League finalists Borussia Dortmund hoping to snap up the striker.

Talks between the two clubs are at an advanced stage and Broja is also believed to be keen on the deal.

The player has been on loan at Fulham since January but has barely featured, with just three sub appearances.

Chelsea have been trying to offload the Albania centre forward permanently but their price tag of £50million has been rebuffed by potential customers.

Dortmund want Broja but won’t pay anywhere near that fee and are set to pay around half that.

But they believe he can do the business for them next season. He is under contract until 2028.

By finishing fifth in Germany’s Bundesliga they have secured Champions League football for next season, even if they fail to win the competition this season.

Germany has been awarded an extra place by UEFA in next season’s tournament following the success of their teams in Europe.

Dortmund have shown interest in Broja before but no deal materialised.

It now looks as if the one-time Chelsea academy graduate will finally be on his way.

The Blues also need to start offloading players to comply with Profit & Sustainability Rules.

They posted a loss of £90million for 2023 to go with a £121m loss the year before.

Sporting director Paul Winstanley is now tasked with flogging £100m worth of talent to bring the figures back into line.

Being home grown, Broja is considered pure profit in accounting terms because technically he cost nothing to buy as a one-time youth team player.

He has scored only two goals this season - one in the Premier League for Chelsea and one in the FA Cup. But he also spent nine months out previously with a serious

Fulham Chelsea

Armando Broja Paul Winstanley

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