How to unlock Premier in CS2

Premier in CS2 is a game mode that allows regular players to enjoy the thrill of an actual professional game. This is because of the format of the Premier mode where two teams are allowed to pick and ban maps as they fight for higher CS Ratings in the game. To unlock Premier in CS2, it's necessary to have Prime status, which means spending $14.99 on Steam.

Now that you know the necessary conditions to unlock Premier in CS2, here are the remaining steps and more information about how the game mode works.

Unlocking Premier in CS2 is relatively simple. As mentioned before, you need to have Prime status. If you don't already, here are the simple steps to get Prime status and then unlock Premier:

You can now play in the Premier mode in CS2 with your friends and improve your ratings. The elo goes higher with each match that you win and losses lead to a loss in overall ratings too. The ratings go from 1,000-4,999 (which is the lowest level in CS2) to 30,000+ (which is a Global Elite rank in CS:GO terms). Even having a 25,000 rating can give you the Global Elite ranking.

However, in CS2, these rankings are not signified with terms such as 'Global Elite'. Instead, it's the rating that counts, along with an assigned color. For instance, the color assigned to the lowest category of ratings is Grey while the highest is Red.

There have been some notable changes in the Premier mode implementation in CS2. The Premier mode in CS2 allows only 12 maximum rounds per half while it used to be 15 in CS:GO.

Another important change in the Premier mode is overtime. In CS2, only one overtime can be played out with a max of three rounds for both halves. CS:GO used to have no overtime, and Premier games would usually end in a tie at a 15-15 scoreline.

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