"My friends have zero respect for me": Cheesur reacts after Adin Ross and the SSB group egg his house

Kick star Nermin "Cheesur" was playing Elden Ring on his channel recently when Adin Ross and his friends from the SSB group walked up to his house and started pelting eggs right outside his window. What's more, this is not even the first time that Cheesur 's house has been egged, with Ross and his friends doing the same thing in January this year.

Cheesur was pissed when he realized what was happening. He shut down the game and told his chat that Ross and the other streamers had no respect for him:

The streamer then went out to confront Ross and his friends and came back to resume his tirade against the group, claiming that they were doing this because they had no content for their Kick broadcasts:

Cheesur and Adin Ross have not been on very good terms over the last few weeks. Ross publicly called out Cheesur after certain questionable clips featuring the latter streamer started going viral back in April. Ross, a part-owner of Kick, even claimed that he would get his fellow streamer banned for it.

Regardless, Ross’ latest prank was essentially a reenactment of what went down in January. Like the incident earlier this year, Ross and several of his streamer buddies from the SSB group walked down the driveway before they started throwing eggs at Cheesur’s house.

After Cheesur poked his head outside the window and confronted them, Adin Ross and the group stopped and went back to their cars.

In related news, the SSB group recently found itself on xQc's bad side after an interaction while playing Call of Duty.

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